Advance Health Directive
Advance Health Directive (AHD)
Your Advance Health Directive specifies the treatment that you direct to take place (or not to take place) in the event that you are in an end of life medical situation as a result of an illness or injury. Having this directive in place alleviates your family members having to make these choices and also having them apply to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal to be appointed as your Guardian to act on your behalf. An Advance Health Directive overrides any power given under your Enduring Power of Attorney.
An Advance Health Directive provides your relatives with the details of your specific choices in relation to your health care in critical circumstances
Within this AHD document, you can also appoint an Attorney for health decisions
The specific directives in this document overrides any authority given to your Attorney under an EPOA.
A General Practitioner will need explain all of the terms in the AHD to ensure that you understand them all
Your EPOA will not have to make these decisions for you, as you have expressly made your directives as to what is to happen to you in certain situations
Your EPOA may be feeling emotional and unable to clearly make decisions for you. Having the AHD in place clarifies your directions.
Your directions are strictly followed by your Doctors
This document can be registered on the ehealth/My Health register
This document can be revoked at any time as long as you have mental capacity to do this.
What Happens Next?
Simply contact LadyBird by email or over the phone and a friendly member of the team will be in touch to provide further information and a quote if required.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is provided as general information only. It is not intended to provide legal advice and therefore should not be relied upon.